Friday, May 28, 2010

Knowing Our Truth

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with people the same happiness." ~ Kahlil Gibran

What is it for you? Oprah, in her monthly magazine, has a great feature on the last page: "what I know for sure". I like to respond to myself each month when I see that - What do I know for sure? What is my Truth?

When I know my truth, there is less stress, because I don't have to think too hard about what to do...I am clear on my beliefs...what I know for sure - my truth. Then, things get easier.

Yesterday, I answered the question, and here was my answer: Conversations that matter. That is one piece of my truth, and important was a wonderful evening of honest and magnificent conversation with friends...what a blessing. I came home, in peace, and clarity, and loving my world.

Getting clear about our truth, as Gibran says, is being content...a thing I know for sure.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lead with Intention...not Expectation

Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful.~Sri Swami Satchidananda

Yes, the expectation of people doing things in a certain way or by a certain time, often leads to disappointment...another version of stress. If can allow for ouir intention to, lead us along the path of life, it is ours - we own it and control it.

But we do not control others...we can not make them do it (whatever "it" is). So, letting go of what we expect...and know that regardless of what others do or don't do, we are fine...we are good...wewe are complete...a much more peaceful existence.

Friday, May 14, 2010


"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired." ~ Nikos Kazantzakis

I love this time of year at creates such closure for me...and for students, it is just the beginning. They have a whole life to create on their canvas. I see their excitement, their alive-ness, and I am happy for them in their pursuit of their dreams.

Knowing what you want to passionately pursue lessens the stress of not knowing what to do...feeling stuck. Just moving, taking ANY action will make us feel better, less stressed, as movement loosens us the static energy in our minds and bodies. It also begins a different chemical process in our bodies, possibly leading to the relaxation response, where infinite creativity and peace are found.

If we passionately pursue "the thing" we desire, we will create the qualities of that thing...just by starting with one step and moving COMMENCE!