Sunday, January 31, 2010

Living "Limit-less"

"If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you."-- Louise Hay

If I am thinking that I have limits, that is pretty stressful for me...I do not feel free to experiment, express, try something new, or push past my apparent boundaries...or get out of my comfort zone. That just feels icky even writing, let's look at this.

What are other words for "limiting beliefs"? How about these: "I can't; I am not good enough; I couldn't possibility; I don't have that talent....and on and on. Again, it doesn't not feel good to even think that way. But if I did, I could re-think it...and get a new feeling, like "I am free to be me!"

My truth is freedom...and it is not stressful for me, it is is stressful to start making a list of what I can't do...true or not true. So, when I hear any voice inside me or my words outside of me saying anything like "I can't"..maybe I don't want to, but I have a choice...that is different energy and diminishes the stress. Choice always feels good...especially when I am clear about what's important top me and what I value.

So, what I know for you is that choice is your Truth...and allows you to live without limits.

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