Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Turning Toward the Sun

"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you."--unknown

As the clocks get turned back for the season...and daylight hours wane, it might become easy to not see the light that is always around us, surrounding us, in us, in others, and in our life.

Yet, in the infinite world in which we live, the sun is always here, there, and everywhere, if we are open enough to see it. It does mean that we have to take back our focus from the "dark", and re-focus on the light in our lives. It means deattaching ourselves from the hypnosis of the dark thing to looking at "what's right". Yes, lift off from the velco thing that seems to have a hold on us, and re-attach our attention to the light.

The good news is that when we do that, we re-energize from something that is draining us of our energy to focus on the life enhancing goodness we can experience from what's right. Chronic stress occurs when we cannot detach what our worries...regardless of their logic or possibility. But when we can have the mental resilience to pull away from those things, face the sun, those dark things will no longer control our energy, our life, our perceptions, and our world....and the shadows will fall behind us....just like when we moved the clocks back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel,
    Thanks for including me your newest project. I have recently detatched from something that was not feeling good. Your blog hit it on the head. Now that I have detatched from the stress of trying to integrate something that did not feel good into my being, I can now enjoy it for just existing in the universe with me. I don't have to own it. I don't have to agree with it. I don't have to dwell on it and try to change it. It just is. What a relief!
