Friday, October 30, 2009

Freedom to Make Meaning for Ourselves

"The things we fear most in organizations -- fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances - need not be signs of an impending disorder that will destroy us. Instead, fluctuations are the primary source of creativity." - Dr. Margaret Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science

It is ironic that the very thing that allows for creativity and growth is also stressful - chaos. When we are free to create, it can get messy, and it supports the million possibilities of what can then happen or be created. But if we fear the messiness, because we like things neat, clean and in order, we push away the very openness and the new options for the future, by the "barriers" of fear. The stress of the "clutter" is not enjoyed and will probably not lead to development of oursleves, our project, or anything else. We have to get our hands dirty, and I know that is not politically popular in the era of H1N1. We can get messy without being infected by our fear of it.

If our intellect can remember that when there is chaos, there is great opportunity, we can begin to embrace a new perspective, drop some fear and stress, and look again at the raw, organic materials that we have to work with in our situation. See mess as that is power and freedom.

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